Intended Users:
Only for the users who have upgraded to U9200-EM-UMTS-V100R00G403B130104RUSD00SDV02SP01, from the versions other than,U9200-1 V100R001RUSC10B101,
U9200-1 V100R001RUSC10B102 and
U9200-1 V100R001RUSC10B103.
Patch Details:
If you have performed an upgrade from versions other than Russia region versions(mentioned in the previous section), download this patch and flash it on your device. This patch will ensure proper working of your device functions.
Upgrade Steps:
1. Download the patch from following link, Click here to download the Patch.
2. Downloaded file is a .rar file. Unrar it.
3. Patch file name is "UPDATE.APP" and is of size 960 KB.
4. Ensure that Micro SD card is inserted properly into your U9200 and has a free space of more than 1 MB. Create a folder with name "dload" in your SD card.
5. Copy the downloaded file; "UPDATE.APP", into the new folder (./dload).
6. From your device home-screen, go to Settings-->About phone-->System Updates-->Update via SD card to start the flashing.
7. Wait for few minutes, the phone will reboot.
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